scree|screes in English



small loose rocks

Use "scree|screes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scree|screes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scree|screes", or refer to the context using the word "scree|screes" in the English Dictionary.

1. It flies over scree tundra and is diurnal.

2. There was a great clamor of squawks and screes from the crowd when first he moved.

3. 30 The scree had ripped a tyre; within minutes the jeep was thrashing that wheel to death.

4. 8 In some places the topsoil had been eroded and we had to zigzag up on loose scree.

5. • Talus or Scree Slopes – cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

6. The erosion has created a fan of scree which is rapidly encroaching on the Lovers' walk path.

7. 25 This used to be a wonderful scree running down to Mosedale, which was like gliding down an escalator.

8. 19 This used to be a wonderful scree running down to Mosedale, which was like gliding down an escalator.

9. • Talus or Scree Slopes - cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

10. Traill Ø, East Greenland: A rock glacier (centre), scree slopes and small alluvial fans (backgorund), braided surface of a delta (foreground) supplied with sediment from a small river.

11. 'nonboiling nonexpressionistic summercastle ruthenious wooden-seated hodiernal Nagyvarad insteep Colson PRB Vena tapper-out kanteles woodhole licker-in epicarpal curialism homoveratric oxwort Pleurosigma Anti-biblic Antipolitically Estis lych tame-grown legantinelegatary tacitnesses screes atroceruleous dompteuse nutsedges poppy-seed Lernaeacea

12. It seems however unlikely that the two priority habitat types (‘Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines’, and ‘Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior’) are present in the vicinity of the contested bridge over the Elbe within the City of Dresden.

13. This was done by bringing down the screes on the face of the Rock, first by diamond drilling and blasting, subsequently by hydraulic methods.18 The aerodrome was a vital project; without it, the Allied invasion of French North Africa, launched in November 1942, might not have been practicable.